Proverbs 3:5-6

Last year was my first year as a permanent employee and I was blessed beyond my expectations. I then asked God to give an opportunity to give as a way to thank Him for blessing me (taking me from unemployment to being permanently employed – as I know firsthand what a struggle it was to get here).
In about a month’s time my pastor gave out envelops for those who wanted to pledge their offerings, now this was a perfect opportunity for me to do what I had being longing to do. I didn’t offer a great amount no, I offered with a sincere heart, because no amount can be enough to repay God.
The reason I mention offering, is because some believe the offering is for the pastors. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Do you really believe God would call His children and then rely on us to feed/look after them? Not at all. Offering is a form of submission. It has nothing to do with the monetary value but sincerity-value. God knows we have so many things to sort out and pay, but He wants us to submit and put Him first and watch as He sorts it all out.
As I was preparing my offering I asked God to give my purpose and career a direction, now this was in March 2012.
In April 2012 I began to blog and in August 2012 I started a girl movement called I Beg To Differ, something I never believed I was capable of and it touch lives of young ladies. Sometime later, still in August I got a call to be Champion Editor in Chief of a youth magazine called Ambition Magazine.
The amazing part about this, is I was given some serious authority and it felt amazing. We are going live online in January 2013 and we trust to be a great success. And there are many other doors opening for me, doors I dreamed could open and all I can say is ‘Thank you Lord, for your love is far greater than my understanding and longing’

The Gist.

Proverbs 3:5-6

New International Version (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight
This is all those who have lost hope, I have been there and I know what it’s like. I worked at restaurants as a waitress and been a cashier at clothing stores; but I never stopped dreaming and believing. Every time you pray, the Lord listens and at His chosen time – He will deliver.
There’s a quote that says: "Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end." Very much true, so hold on and wait your turn.
Be blessed and fabulous at the same time.


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