Suffer little unforgiving heart…

We all know the bible verse “…A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Prov 17v22) but do we really understand it.

There was a time I hated hearing it, I was in so much pain and hurt. I didn’t want anything but to just recount and replay in my head all that happened to me. All the wrongs that were done to me were somehow precious to me.

I was very young and bitter. Saddest thing is, the people who hurt me couldn’t have cared less if I was alive or dead.

And because they didn’t care, I started feeling less and less important; but more and more loving the thought of being a victim.

As time went, I realised that I was watching my life pass me by. I was wasting time being consumed in hatred and anger. While my peers were going for their dreams, I was sobbing every day.

I wanted to be happy, cheerful and ambitious again, but it was so foreign to me.

So I started doing things differently…

1.       I began by giving myself permission. Permission to laugh, to learn, to be wrong and not give myself a 3rd degree, but rather accept that mistakes happen and the best thing it to learn from them.


2.       I forgave. I named every single person who wronged me and forgave them.


3.       Then I forgave me. Yes, there were times when I was so harsh and hard on myself and was really being unfair.


4.       I started listening more. Giving people a chance and really listen to their point of you. I learned that not every single person is the same. And there is good in all people.



5.       I accepted that I cannot ever change my past. It happened; ooh but guess what? I am still here because there is more for me to achieve, learn and enjoy.


6.       I started dreaming again and oh what amazing dreams have come into my heart and mind.

7.       I am still learning every day to be merry and cheerful…

Be blessed beyond.




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